Angelina Cortez
Santa Rosa, Ca | 707-548-0168 | @Refreshhairndco | Message or call for booking
Holly Mielke
Arroyo Grande, Ca | Txt (805)440-0611 | Dm hollymielke on Instagram
Yazlyn Florian
Atascadero, CA | Insta @hairbyyazlyn | Website
Kandace Enox
Tehachapi, CA | 661.444.1820 | Located at KAMP Scalp therapy lounge.
Changing the world one scalp facial at a time ✨
Insta: @hair.bykandace
Carisa Douglass
Temecula, CA | Serenity Scalp Spa | Book
Or via link in instagram @serenityscalpspatemecula | 951-412-2234
Carisa's dedication to her craft and her clients is evident in her 20 plus years as a hair stylist. Her expertise in scalp health and her commitment to using non-toxic products makes her a valuable asset to anyone seeking healthy and beautiful hair.
She believes a healthy scalp = healthy hair 💚
Ashley Halbrook
Bakersfield, California | 661.742.6104 (call or text is fine)
IG adaptations_hair_studio
I’m passionate about making everyone that sits in my chair feel beautiful and confident!
Tiffani Mah
San Francisco, CA | Text/Call: 415-816-3597
Rikki Sylwesiuk
Vacaville , CA | 707-628-2231 | Call- txt- DM
IG @rikkisylwesiuk